Friday 11 September 2009


I decided to train before work started, which was hard to get used too, up at 6am to eat then cycle to the gym, train, then cycle to work. I have no car so cycling everywhere is my only option and was killing me, especially after a hard session.

My training is split between Resistance Training 3 times per week and CV/Endurance, 3 times per week.

I make the most of the Southern Coastline and Hills for some Off Road Mountain Biking, Running, Sprinting, General Endurance training and the odd Kickboxing class with my girlfriend for a total body workout. My aim was to achieve a great physique using as many outdoor sports as possible. I didn’t want to spend the next 5 months stuck in the gym like everyone else!

 I have never been scared of hard work, I really pushed myself to get ready for this competition and I am proud of what I have achieved. I learnt a lot about myself whilst training, I know I still have a good Mental Attitude and always look to train out of my comfort zone. I looked around the gym and saw guys ‘taking it easy’ and promised myself never to let that happen. 

Nutrition has become an important part of the training for me and over the 5 months I have come to learn a lot about what foods to eat and when to eat and different ways to diet to achieve the results I wanted.  I asked a lot of questions to a lot of people regarding my diet and what has worked best for me is basically 6 meals a day- (breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, pre-bed snack)- strict, high protein diet which has varied every 6 weeks based on the type of training I am doing at that particular time. Also to avoid boredom! A lot of the food has to be made the night before because of my job. I have not got the time or facilities to prepare food every 3 hours, Meals fit around work, which is something I have to deal with unfortunately.
I use Maximuscle as my choice of supplements, Promax, for example, is a great way to maintain the levels of Protein I need in my daily diet and all in the form of a convenient shake.

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